November 2024 Sai Calendar
Sairam. Please find below the November 2024 Sai Calendar. Highlights of this month include Bhagavan’s 99th Birthday Celebrations, Akhanda Bhajan, and Ladies’ Day. On Akhanda Bhajan evening, that is, on Saturday, November 9th, the Sai Society Bhajan team will lead bhajans from 9 PM to 10:30 PM. Please do join us.
Bhagavan’s Birthday Celebration is the much-awaited event of the year. Please join the celebration at Bhagavan’s temple in Singapore for a full day of programming. 23rd November is a Saturday this year. The day begins conveniently at 7 am, with morning prayers and bhajans, followed by breakfast. The daytime has video talks, bhajans, chanting, and an opportunity to visit the special Birthday altar on level 3 for personal prayers and Bhagavan’s Room on level 4. The evening features programme by SSE children, and a talk by bro. Adwait and the high-energy evening bhajans. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner prasadam are served. Please join us and seek Bhagavan’s blessings.
If you wish to volunteer on Bhagavan’s Birthday to help with the event, please use this form:
Besides the devotional programmes, there are several seva activities during the month. Please mark your diary and participate in Sai activities that interest you. If you wish to volunteer at Sai Society, please sign up here: