Home » August 2024 Sai Calendar

August 2024 Sai Calendar

August 2024 Sai Calendar

Sairam. Please find below the August 2024 Sai Calendar. Highlights of this month include National Day Special Bhajans @Thursday on 8th August & Sri Krishna Janmashtami Bhajans @Thursday on 29th August. In addition, SSE students will also lead a monthly bhajan on Friday, 30th August 2024, from 7:45 pm to 8:45 pm in the level 2 prayer hall. All are invited to attend all these programmes.

Besides the devotional programmes, there are several seva activities during the month. Please mark your diary and participate in Sai activities of your interest. If you wish to volunteer at Sai Society, please sign up here: https://goo.gl/forms/oEJ9ptEP59hjNgBQ2.

Open chat
Sairam. Welcome to Sri Sathya Sai Society, Singapore.