Sai Aradhana 2022 – Live & Live Stream
Sai Aradhana, also called Sri Sathya Sai Aradhana Mahotsavam, is commemorated on 24th of April each year. It signifies the day of Mahasamadhi of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in 2011. That was the year when all devotees in Singapore came together in thousands at the Sai Centre at 133 Moulmein Road and spent 3 days in prayer. It was the focal point of all devotees. Sai Aradhana has been commemorated each year since 2012 at this premises, and all devotees make it a point to spend their day in prayers, bhajans and other activities of gratitude to Bhagawan for His avatarhood and mission. During the pandemic years also this was commemorated, albeit in a subdued manner. With the pandemic receding, and since it is a Sunday this year, it is our opportunity to visit the Sai Centre at Moulmein and spend much of the day in prayers and bhajans and other activities, and absorb the good vibes and blessings. This year marks the 10th year of Sai Aradhana – all at the same premises.
It is a full-day programme; No registration is required; you may just walk in like earlier times when you are able to. However, we must take precautions like being fully vaccinated and following all safe management measures.
While registration is not required, we encourage you to join our mailing list and be informed of our activities, or join us as volunteers. Please take a minute or 2 to fill this form:
Sai Aradhana Evening Programme – Live-streaming to you directly from the Sathya Sai Baba Centre, 133 Moulmein Road, Singapore. Please join us live and seek Bhagawan’s blessings. This is the 10th year of Sai Aradhana being commemorated at the same venue. You may access the programme later on this link as well and re-play.

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