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Help Needed

Help Needed

Do you drive? If you do, we need your help in Narayana Seva.

Twice a month, we have a Narayana Seva for the domestic helpers, before they attend their free Spoken English class. Families lovingly prepare fresh meals for them. We need help in transporting the cooked food to the Sai Centre at 133 Moulmein Road. Collection would be around 11 am, on 2 Sundays of the month.

For more details on the Help the Helpers programme, please see http://saisociety.org.sg/help-the-helpers/ and http://saisociety.org.sg/2023/04/hth-graduation-2023/.

If you or your friends are able to help, please message +65 9220 8528 or email [email protected].

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