Silver Jubilee Celebrations of Sai Centre
Sairam. Let us all join together to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of our Sai Temple in Singapore – the Sathya Sai Baba Centre at 133 Moulmein Road. It was formally inaugurated on 21st September 1996 by the former President of Republic of Singapore, Mr. Wee Kim Wee. It was earlier consecrated through a multi-faith ceremony. The plaque at the entrance of the building symbolises the main purpose of the building and the Sai temple it houses. For more details on how the Sai Centre came about, please visit the Sai Centre’s History page.

We have put together a series of programmes for the month of September to mark the Silver Jubilee. All the programmes will be streamed through our YouTube channel. The Ganesh Chaturthi bhajans will also be held at the Centre, and streamed live from there. The on-site attendance requires registration, and this information has been published in a separate post.
The speakers who have agreed to conduct the 3 Satsangs over 3 weekends are familiar to us – all of them have spoken at the Sai Centre before. Sri Vedanarayanan and Sri Ravi Kumar from Prasanthi Nilayam, and Smt. Geetha Mohan Ram from the USA will be speaking at the Satsangs. Please see below the programmes. Please mark your dairy and participate in the programmes. We also have Seva programmes in September.
Look forward to your participation in the programmes.