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Centre Cleaning in Covid Times

Sai Centre Cleaning in Covid Times

Volunteers performed a Sai Centre Cleaning Seva over the weekend, following all the prevailing safe management measures.

Safe Management Practices

They were all fully vaccinated, and they all did their safe entry check as they entered the premises. Everyone used safe management practices like using masks, frequently cleaning their hands and maintaining distance from other teams. 

Thorough Cleaning

They divided themselves into teams of 2 to 3 volunteers each and spread out across the building and outside, to give a thorough cleaning. Especially outside the building the plants had grown a lot, and they needed to be trimmed. Volunteers, young and old, participated with great enthusiasm. Here are some photos from the seva. If you wish to participate in this seva the next month, please contact us at http://saisociety.org.sg/contact-us/.

Open chat
Sairam. Welcome to Sri Sathya Sai Society, Singapore.