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Sai Centre Cleaning

The Sathya Sai Baba Centre at 133 Moulmein Road, serves as the primary Sai Baba temple and facility for Sai activities in Singapore. This is true especially of activities conducted by the Sri Sathya Sai Society, Singapore. During a normal week, hundreds of people visit the centre to participate in the various activities. This footfall, along with the dust from the environment, mandates cleaning of the premises regularly. As the Sai Society is 100% volunteer driven, the cleaning is done by volunteers. 

The main prayer hall is cleaned and mopped daily. One Saturday morning a month, an enthusiastic team organises this seva. They divide themselves into small groups, and work through each floor, thoroughly cleaning the floors, windows, fans and fixtures. 

This has especially become more important during the pandemic, with hygiene standards having been stepped up at the centre. Several tools like high-speed water jets and specialised window cleaning equipment have been acquired to help make the cleaning an easier process. Robotic vacuum cleaners have also been recently added.

For more information on joining the cleaning seva, please contact us through contact us..

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