Satsang with Sis. Geetha Mohan Ram – Silver Jubilee
Sairam. We are privileged to have a Satsang with Smt. Geetha Mohan Ram from USA, as part of our ongoing Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Sathya Sai Baba Centre at 133 Moulmein Road, Singapore. In case you have missed the earlier satsangs by Sri Vedanarayanan and Sri Ravi Kumar, you may see the recordings on our YouTube channel.
Sis. Geetha is well known to most Sai devotees. She was last in Singapore in 2012, sharing her wonderful experiences with us. We are grateful to our dear Bhagawan for giving us this opportunity to have Satsang with her again, this time online. It is a not-to-be-missed satsang. Please join us via Sai Society’s YouTube channel.
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