Sri Sathya Sai Society, Singapore is a Singapore Society registered with the Singapore Registrar of Societies (Society Registration No: S75SS0055L), and a Charity registered with the Commissioner of Charities. It conducts its activities mainly at its permanent premises “Sathya Sai Baba Centre” at 133 Moulmein Road, Singapore 308083. It also has online presence through web, FaceBook, Instagram and YouTube. It is a member of Sri Sathya Sai Global Council in Prasanthi Nilayam. You can read more about our history here. To contact us use the contact page (
Sai Society’s Activities (Wings)
Sri Sathya Sai Society, Singapore (“Sai Society” in short) has a range of Charity projects in Singapore for the welfare of the needy. It also conducts universal human values education programmes (character development) for young students starting from 4 years old to 18 years old. Sai Society also celebrates festivals of all religions, embodying the philosophy of unity of faiths, and conducts weekly bhajans on Thursday evenings. In addition to these, several bhajan centres take turns to conduct daily bhajans in several languages – Sanskrit, Hindi, Tamil, Chinese, English etc.
Bhajans are held on Thursdays and on most other days. Please check bhajan schedule on this site. Groups of volunteers conduct several study circles to study Baba’s teachings. All of these activities are conducted in line with the teachings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, whose words have inspired millions around the world. We find snippets like “Love All; Serve All”, “Help Ever; Hurt Never”, “The End of Education is Character” etc. being used everywhere.
Volunteers run all the activities Sai Society, and maintain the premises of Sathya Sai Baba Centre. Dozens of teams and hundreds of volunteers are the reason so many activities are conducted by the Charity. The volunteers work in five broad areas, called “Wings” – Service (Seva), Education (SSE), Spiritual (Devotional), Youth (Young Adults), and Ladies (Mahila) Wings. Please explore each of these activities in the ‘Wings’ menu, or by clicking on the area of your interest.
Sai Society has a growing pool of volunteers, who wish to give back to the society at large in some way. It provides a platform for such volunteering efforts. Volunteers participate in these activities regardless of race, religion, community, language, gender or any other differences. The Charity services are also provided on a completely non-discriminatory basis, within Sai Society’s means. Please see our section on Service under the Wings menu. To volunteer, or to be on the SaiNews mailing list, simply fill out this form
Please explore the other pages in this evolving website, and also visit our social media pages mentioned above. Please drop in at the Sathya Sai Baba Centre at 133 Moulmein Road between 9 am and 12 noon on any day.